word power

“Biar tak kaya harta tapi kaya budi, biar hanya kata-kata, kadang-kadang itu lebih bererti.”

lets follow each other

Thursday, March 7, 2013

dunia dietetik 3: dietitian vs nutritionist

hari ni nak cerita pasal perbezaan dietitian and nutritionist sebab dah ramai yang tanye aku pasal ni.. so here we go.....

who is dietitian [source]

dietitian is a professional trained in translating the science of food, nutrition and medical nutrition therapy to meet the needs of  individual or target groups, whether  in disease or health. He/ she is equipped with the  knowledge and skills to conduct nutritional assessment, prescribe medical nutrition therapy, provide  dietary consultation for the treatment of diseases / illness, in both acute and chronic care. Besides this, the dietitian also play an important role in  providing expertise in the promotion of wellness through proper eating, development of modified diets/ meals/recipes in the food service organization, catering industry and  food manufacturing industry in various sectors. Dietitians participate in research and apply practice, based on scientific – evidence.
The dietitian is also involved in providing input for the formulation of  policies, protocols, clinical practice guidelines, medical nutrition therapy guidelines,  planning and implementation of  programmes, to support the current healthcare needs of the population. He/she  provide education and disseminate nutrition information through community activities, various modes of mass media like giving talks through radio, television, and writing in newsprint, professional articles for release in newspapers, journals, magazines, etc

who is nutritionist [source]
Nutritionists have a healthy regard for food and its life-sustaining properties. They are primarily concerned with the prevention and treatment of illnesses through proper dietary care. Nutritionists evaluate the diets of patients and clients suffering from medical disorders and suggest ways of fighting various health problems by modifying the patient’s intake of certain food items

tapi yang mudah pada aku macam ni la kalu nak faham.. dietitian is more on clinical setting.. study more on diet related disease.. tapi nutritionist more on community nutrition..nak pilih yang mana terpulang.. tepuk dada..buat solat istikarah..hihi..



  1. nice sharing dear...for me kalo nak diet kena amik jugak nutrisi2 utk badan kita kan..kalo diet tapi memudaratkan kesihatan tubuh badan its a bad diet.. :)

  2. yup indeed..
    the way perkataan "diet" people always misunderstanding..

  3. thanx join bloglist Miss Purple.. done follow cik zetty n msukkan dalam bloglist Kawan Blogger.. :D
